I have been doing alot of crafting lately. It's good for me, It has always been the thing that grounds me, calms me, rejuvenates me and so given the new
circumstances of my life I need all of those things... daily!. I mentioned a few months back that it has been a long time
dream of mine to share my love of crafting with other women. I had my first workshop back in may and then life got in the way. It's funny how we think we have a plan! Anyway, now here I set alone most every night and so now more than ever it seems like the perfect thing to do. So I am taking the plunge! I put together several projects and women have been trickling in little by little to relax and enjoy. It really is fun to watch. I've also been having private "Arty Parties" at friends homes. The hostess picks out the project she is interested in and invites a bunch of her friends and I show up with all the supplies. A couple of nights ago we made Advent Calendar Countdowns.
Don't they look great! I found this idea on Pinterest but couldn't find the original person who made it. If it's you, I'm happy to give you credit, just let me know. Mine is not exactly the same, I put a couple of twist on it and added my very favorite activity for the last day.
It's made with a mini muffin tin that has 24 cups. I raided my stash, Dollar Store, Walmart and of course Hob Lob too. This is the perfect project to do with a group because most of the stuff comes in multiples in the bag.

I made these 3 with some things I had a round the house. The little wreath is made out of a half of a pipe cleaner and some twine wrapped around it. The middle one is a white Sharpie on black paper and the last one I embossed with a stamp I had that just happened to have the word believe. I think it may be one of my favorites. I filled each cup with an activity, something fun to do at Christmas time. I found all kinds of ideas on the internet. One of my favs was have a picnic around the Christmas tree, how fun would that be??? Now if you are thinking these cups are so small, how can I add any kind of a treat? A candy kiss works perfectly, but I also gave everyone a little bag and suggested it be the bonus bag. If you want to give your child something that is too large for the cup, just put a note in that says "check out the bonus bag or grab bag."

Here's the part that I just love. On Christmas morning have this sack filled with a horn and bells with this poem on it. Ring the bells, blow the horn, this is the day that Christ was born? When my kids were small we always did this and then sang Happy Birthday Jesus. It's a great way to remind them what the day is really all about.
So get out your stash, use up some scraps, and be creative. You will be surprised by how much stuff you already have. I should say I used adhesive magnet sheets to keep the papers on and I printed off the numbers for each day from the computer. It is on a plate stand, which works perfectly to hold it up. I love this idea! The activities are great prompts and I think it's a great opportunity for families to enjoy the season! And as for our craft night... it was a blast! It's fun to see your dream in action. :)