Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chair reupholstery

Do you work on more than one project at a time? I do, but usually not 2 big projects at once. However, we're on a mission. My sister in law arrives in less than 12 hours and will be here for one week, we gotta make hay while the sun shines, you know what I mean??? I have been doing some prework so when she gets here we can shoot out of the gate!

This chair is getting a little facelift, it looks funny without the legs. I always forget to take a picture before I get started. :)
Have you always wondered what your furniture looks like under the fabric? My handy work, I removed a bajillion staples!!!
It only took 3 little tools, really I didn't use the scissors much so I guess it took 2. And no, that isn't the bajillion staples, of course I thru those away BEFORE I took the picture! Sigh, one day I will learn to take pics as I go. Keep checking back to see our killer skillz!


  1. It's gonna be great! And it has eight-way hand-tied springs, so it is a better quality piece, and worth the effort and expense of re-doing. Can't wait to see your finished product!

  2. You're a busy lady! Sounds like you're going to have fun with your sis in law this week. Can't wait to see what all you accomplish!

  3. Can't wait to see the chair transformed. Give us some hints to what colors you are going with????

  4. wow 12 hrs thats ambitious !! It´s gonna look amazing !

  5. Stumbled upon your great blog and just wanted to leave a comment to invite you to visit my blog and enter my GIVEAWAY! Hope to see you soon =)
    Just Tututiny

  6. Wow--two big are brave! that is a really cool chair. Keep taking pictures, because we all want to see how it turns out. And a little bit of how you get it there.

  7. Hey Laura,
    Your blog shows a new post on my sidebar but when I click on it, it says it doesn't exist. Maybe you removed it. Just stopping by to see what you've been up to.
    Have a great day!

  8. Good luck! Can't wait to see how the chair is transformed. Are you going to reupholster as well?


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