Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It's time to grow!

Hey guys! I kinda left ya'll hanging with that last project, totally my lack of memory. I wrote the post in my head but realized I never actually posted it on my blog! Does anyone else ever do that, I do it with thank you notes too! :D
So I told you on the last post that I would show you my shelf that you see when you come up to my porch. Last summer I did a beach vignette, this summer I am not going to the beach so I wanted to try something else.
I made these out of large veggie cans and mod podged labels on them.  I decided to do the whole shelf with a garden/planting theme.
You want to take a closer look?
This lamp is from Ikea. I actually bought it for the bathroom, part of an update I plan to do later this year. And that little pink rock, I spray painted a rock and used my Silhouette, Ms Sassy Pants, to add the letters. Isn't it cute?
This little plaque I made really started the whole idea. I was really craving these colors. Do you crave colors??? I do, am I weird? I kept seeing these colors in my head and since I can't really use them in my house I thought hey I can use them on the porch and they remind me of gardening and so an idea was born.
Can you tell? It says bloom. Now here is the sad part. I was so excited to get all of this together to show you, I neglected to put a sealer on this. It's just mod podge papers. We had a horrible storm that night that blew everything and broke limbs off of trees. Well it blew my little sign down and ruined it! :(

More of that fun splatter paint is on the watering can, found at Target for 1.00!
Love these words, bloom, grow, thrive, flourish, happy words.
And there they are, the bottom shelf. Thank goodness the storm didn't blow them over.
And next to the shelf another little vignette. A little bunny enjoying a snack.
And here is my chair this year. I had to redo the plant part. Take a look here at how it looked last year. I went with a whole different plant this year and I think it will be much more showy. I'll share again when the plants grow a little. Anyway, so what have you been growing? Oh wait, I forgot to show you this little guy...
Isn't he just adorable? I am seriously in love with yellow right now, wondering if it's just a phase or if it will stick around.


  1. What a lovely space! Everything looks stunning here! Gorgeous colours..love the yellow!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  2. Love it! The cans are especially fabulous!
    xo Jennifer (www.shutterbugandthesweetlife.com)

  3. OMG! I love this! Those little rocks are likely going to be the first thing I make when I get my Silhouette next week!! Gorgeous!

  4. (oh and I really love the labels too... where did you get those??)

  5. that looks great! i love all the details and thought put into this perfect summer space! and yes, i totally compose posts in my head and jot bits down so i don't forget. glad i'm not alone!

  6. What a great garden you have! I love the non-plant items you add to make it unique and beautiful. Great job!

  7. Such a fun collection! thanks for sharing! I'm stopping by as the guest judge from CSI Project!
    happy crafting,

  8. lol i love the little bunny sprawled out eating a snack =) cute cute! thanks for sharing


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