Friday, May 20, 2011

Summer flip flops!

I have to share my new favorite flip flops and how I made mine stylish!
These are the best flip flops I have ever owned. The bottoms of them are made out of yoga mats. I actually purchased these at Target for 12.99 (why are flip flops so expensive now?) I originally found these in brown while vacationing in Florida last year and paid twice that price at some surf shop. When I found them at Target this year I quickly grabbed a couple pairs. One to keep plain and one to beautify.
They are AMAZING, and I have already worn them for a couple of months and they are really holding up. It feels like I am walking around on clouds!  I know I am making a big deal about this ladies, but comfort for my feet is serious stuff!
I picked up a colorful piece of fabric from the Hob Lob and I started out with a plan. I was going to wrap the flip flop in a piece of torn fabric and then add a flower but that didn't really turn out like I wanted. So I played and played (and made several different flowers) and finally decided on an idea that was totally different than my initial plan. Good thing I have an open mind! :)

Aren't they cute??? I just love them. I made the flower out of that fabric from above and raided my ribbon stash and found this ribbon I totally forgot I had! (Does that mean I have too much?)
Isn't this the cutest ribbon? It comes like this and it's got a bit of stretchiness to it. They have it in several colors. I love that it repeats the lining of my flip flop. Ok, people get ready for the next photo! I'm just keeping it real!

Ignore that I need a pedicure! I had a sick dog I needed to stay home with today. So what do you think, fashion and style? Love it!!! So do you have a favorite pair of flip flops that you can transform to cuteness? Oh and I didn't do a tutorial but if you need to know how to make these flowers go check it out!


  1. Uber cute!! Such a fashionista!

  2. Your shoes are adorable! I love the flowers!

  3. Cute idea! I'm off to Target! Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. So Sweet! Care to Fly to Alaska and Teach a class on decorating footwear?

  5. Very cool idea! Never thought to DIY my own flip flops! My head is spinning with all sorts of ideas!

    Shared this on FJI Facebook for SNS 82. :)!/photo.php?fbid=10150251890221141&set=a.192514281140.164586.175378011140&type=1&theater


  6. OMGosh these are so cute. If I bring over my plain flip flops and leave them on your front porch...Can I pick them up all decorated and
    cute in a few days (LOL)

  7. Visiting from Flamingo Toes - very cute up-style and thanks for the tutorial :)

  8. Laura these are darling!!! I have some of that exact ribbon! Looks like I need to go to Target. ;) I shared these on my FB page!!

  9. these are adorable! well done!

  10. These are adorable! I am a sandal wearing Senorita so I am always looking for cute options. I am just starting my journey with crafts of al sorts so I was wondering how you attatched the flower? Was it with hot glue?

  11. This is such a cute idea! Your flips are adorable!


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