Friday, February 25, 2011

Preparing for Spring

So I mentioned the weather has been warming up here and getting me in the mood for spring. It's still a little early but I'm not waiting on it! But first I have to show you this little thingamajiggy.
I have no idea what it's called, BUT I knew I wanted it the minute I saw it. I had actually been looking for one. I found this while on vacation in Florida. I had seen one while at a prayer walk. They had it holding a wooden ball that had a light inside of it. It left a beautiful pattern on the wall. Now I just have to find the ball!
Then recently I was at Goodwill and they had the grande one! I was so shocked that I could find this. I think I will be putting a planter in it when it gets a bit warmer.
This is the small one. I have a plan for it too!
Perfect for holding a little nest. And I have a perfect place for the little nest.
This is my shelf on my front porch.I change up the decor several times a year.

This is my "getting ready for spring" look. That redish pillar that is under the log cabin bird house was a Goodwill find. I have no idea what it is but it is great for all kinds of things.

Look at the patina on this watering can. Can't paint something to look like this.
Soon it will be time to plant.

Ooh la la! rust!
These gloves are so sweet. They belonged to my son who is about to turn 20. I remember when he was a little guy and whenever dad was out in the backyard working he had to get his gloves on and help dad.

And my sweet little girl statue, my mom gave her to me a long time ago. So today I saw my first daffodils and that means spring is getting closer! I can't wait.


  1. hi Laura! wanted to pop over and welcome you to the circle! sorry it took me so long to get over here, the circle is growing so fast! anyway, welcome! and hope to see ya in my random neighborhood sometime! :)
    blessings, -tracie

  2. It's been so nice outside I can hardly stand it! Your porch is definitely saying spring - adorable.

  3. Love all of the pictures. I am so ready for Spring also. Great blog!!

  4. wow. this looks really great. i need to do more decorating outside my home. thanks for the inspiration.


  5. That's truly a unique piece! I love your porch. Makes me want to get outside today!

  6. Your porch has great Spring appeal:) I need to take your helpful hints and do something with mine. Thanks for sharing your good ideas and suggestions.


  7. I just found your blog through Tammy@Beatrice Banks. Absolutely love all those pictures. You have such a creative flair! Little "tidbits" I have seen at thrift stores, and have wondered, "what would a person ever do with that". Now I know. Beautiful!

  8. By the way, I should have mentioned in previous comment, I'm your newest follower!

  9. Gorgeous inspiration...I need to start thinking about my porch this season.

  10. Love it here lady!!Looks so cuuute!


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