Thursday, January 20, 2011

The rest of the Den

If you haven't signed up to win my First Giveaway, go here now to win a beautiful Valentine wreath. 

Well a few days ago I began to show you some of the den but I didn't want the post to babble on forever so I broke it up into 2 days. Today I want to show you the rest of the space. I'll start with the sofa.

Macy's momma LOVE'S pillows (uh who doesn't?) and so she had a plan of what she wanted it to look like. So here is her pillow story... (I got that off of  Sara's house on HGTV, love that show) Are you starting to see how these post can just ramble... uh ok. The 2 outside pillows came with the new sofa. The muslin pillows and the center pillow we made. This muslin is really got a lot of texture and a great color, scored a 1/2 bolt at a garage sale for pennies. Wait you want to see them up close?
Delicious right!

I love this little flower, guess what it was in is former life?
Yep, an old ladies jacket, did you guess? (Sorry if you like the jacket, I do too, that is why I bought it at Goodwill) These pillows all turned out so CUTE! I think all of us are trying to ruffle anything we can find in the house now.

Oh and this carpet. I love you Home Goods, the PERFECT carpet for this home! Like the vintage coffee table, lovin it!

Um check out this tv cabinet AND that TV. I think it like 98 inches, well not quite but it's huge. Gotta keep the man of the house happy!

Some of these items are Goodwill finds that have been redone. Anything blue we painted and glazed. The big black and white vases on top were a splurge. When I decorate a room I always have a couple of splurges, that is how I keep the cost down, mix thrift, sales and splurges together.

Speaking of splurges, what do you think about this one? We saw this at Haverty's and I fell in love! Macy's momma went back with coupon on hand and mark down because of few scratches and can you believe she got it for $37.00! Get up off the floor, I know, I wish she had bought 2! It's such a great piece for the room. But it was kinda lost in the corner so we added scrapbook paper.
I had to get out the Silhouette machine for this one. Isn't is cute!

I showed you this space before. We thought that pic looked lost so we had to add a little something to it.

I love these, I want to find some for my house! We got the frames at Goodwill and painted them black and added the knocker and door knob.
A little improvement, unless you like swan pics.
Did you notice the blue zebra print chair, I know to dieeee for! Another Home Goods score.
Isn't this clock so adorable? She picked this up at a local flea market called First Monday in Canton, You made have heard of it. It is the most amazing flea market. If you ever have the opportunity to go, go!
Oh and the curtains we made. These are flocked material, taupey grey color. We found these at Marshalls' I think for 10.00 premade panels. We covered 4 windows with two panels. You can't beat that price!
So that pretty much covers the den. Come back soon I'll share the kitchen next! If you missed the first part of the den or bedroom or bath, take a look at my archives. They have been posted in 2011 and a couple in December of 2010.  Have you checked out my giveaway? Go here  to check it out, and don't be selfish, invite your friends!


  1. Wow! This is absolutely gorgeous! I love all the different textures and patterns that all seem to coordinate. The pops of blue are fabulous!

  2. Another fabulous room! I'm such a pillow lover as you may have noticed on my recent posts. I love what you did with the plaid jacket turned flower. And the rest of the room is divine!

  3. Laura, that's gorgeous! But I had to laugh because Riley is currently watching Franklin right now;)

  4. I LOVE THAT ROOM! I want that screen! And that rug! And those pillows! And the knocker and doorknob! Ok, I want it all. It's amazing. And beautiful. You did so well! I want to score deals like the ones you guys got. Great job!

  5. Wow~ I love your room! Those pillows are just adorable- I am loving the ruffles!!! Soo cute and that clock is fantastic! Stopping by from Kims today - stop by and say hello sometime! :)

  6. Wow-love this room-great pillows and fab rug-nice job-I'm your newest follower!-Claire

  7. Oh I love that rug sooooo much! I am going to Homegoods this weekend I wonder if I will be lucky enough to find one? Your pillows are gorgeous! That ruffled one is too cute!!

  8. Your room is gorgeous! I love all of the pillows. Wish we had a Homegoods around here but the closest one is about and hour and a half away.

  9. oh my goodness I love all the little details that add up to a great punched up room. Looking forward to exploring your blog more!

  10. I love your room! Love the textures and colors and the thrift items with the splurge items! That's the way I like to decorate too!!

  11. Great room!!! I love it all. I go to Canton twice a year and I agree it is a great place to find very unique items!! I have a post on my blog about my trip in October.

  12. Wow! love, love love the pillows. You make me happy inside! keep us motivated girl.

  13. Love your pillows! I need to do some ruffles!

  14. The colors in your room are fabulous! I love the pillow with the flower :) The ruffle one is great, too! :)

  15. Hi there~ Just stopping back by to say thank you so much for coming by and sharing this at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  16. This room is GORGEOUS!!! LOVE that ruffled pillow and the that huge black flower! Um, the blue zebra chair...HELLO...fantabulous! :)

    I can't believe some of the deals you found.

    How have I not found your blog until now!? :)

  17. Loooove that chair I am so swooning!

  18. I love this room! Those pillows are awesome!!! You really know how to find some deals!

  19. This looks gorgeous, Laura!!! Love the pillows. Muslin is such a great "freckled" fabric. Did you know that's the inspiration for my blog name? Anyhow, I love the pops of turquoise throughout the room. Thanks for sharing with air your Laundry Friday!


  20. Love the ruffle pillow! I've had one of those on my to-do list forever, just lacked the motivation to get it done. Yours turned out great!!

  21. Gorgeous, and I'm DYING over that screen from Haverty's! SUPER jealous right now.


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