Monday, December 20, 2010

More Christmas crafting!

I am actually done with decorating but I saw the most adorable thing at a store and I thought "I can make that", I know we all say that, right??? Well I forgot about it and then the other day came across the picture on my phone I tried to post it for you but the phone and computer aren't talking to each other for the moment, so you are only going to see my version.
This project was/is great because the only thing I needed to purchase were a couple of old Goodwill frames for a buck. Again use your imagination here because I didn't take a picture of the ugly frame. Everything else I had, actually have had it for years!
Yep, isn't that some lovely stuff, my 80's jewelry. Why am I holding onto that stuff you ask??? Because I remember always dressing up in 50's clothes for school events and I have always been sure that the day would come when my daughter would need to dress up for 80's day at school and I wanted to be sure she had the perfect accessories! They have come in handy by the way! Anyway there was a certain something I knew I needed if I still had it, yep, I am in luck! Ok enough rambling, here is what I created.
Isn't he just adorable??? I just love him. He is mounted on a piece of burlap. I used 5 buttons and an old bracelet and earrings for the scarf and hat. All of it is glued with E6000. I can't quit looking at him, he is just too cute for words!  The frame is spray painted black and then accented with a Spanish Gold rub n buff. As I mentioned I saw something very similar at a store and so that was my inspiration but then as I started going thru my stuff I found this pair of earrings and it gave me a thought!
They looked like the perfect angel wings. All of this is old jewelry, except her body. That little doo daddy came clipped onto my jeans. I thought I could use it for something so I didn't throw it away. And again, I painted this frame with the Rustoleum Brown Hammered and touched it up with Silver Rub and Buff. So this is it, any other ideas will have to wait until next year. I still have shopping and wrapping to finish!

I am linking up to The Gypsy's Corner, go check her out.


  1. Those are so adorable Laura! I love them both. I might have to make a snowman one and leave it up after Christmas!

    Merry Christmas!



    First off, I have a similar stash (although it's old scrapbook "embellishments" from 10 years ago) but HELLO?? I NEVER would have thought of this. Ever. I'm not even an angel type girl (ahem) and I'm loving her almost more than the snowman.


  3. And congratulations on getting your comment thing-y fixed ;)

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Oh, you are a smartie pants, aren't you? This is such an adorable idea. I've already bookmarked it for the future. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh I love them. Your pictures are just wonderful. How creative is this. Thanks for linking to TTT and I hope you have a very Blessed Christmas. Hugs, Marty

  6. how very very darling! Love the old being made new!

  7. Hi! This is my first visit and I'm so glad I stopped by! I love your Christmas crafts! The little snowman is presh and the angel so so pretty! I love that you've kept your 80's things! Thanks for sharing. Happy TTT and Merry Christmas!

  8. So cute!! I love the snowman, with his scarf blowing in the chill December breeze ;)

  9. That snowman is just to darn cute!!!! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!


  10. Oh how fun your Christmas Crafting is! Love that dazzling snowguy! Merry Christmas!

  11. I saw something just like this at JoAnn's yesterday with a button Christmas tree on it-- going for 19.99! Yours is way cuter too ;) Great project!

  12. Love these--might have to whip one out tomorrow. Thanks for linking up!

  13. WOW I am so glad you found that photo on your phone and shared this cute snowman and angel with us. You did a great job. I am a new follower. Please come by and visit sometime. Merry Christmas, Vicky

  14. These are so cute. A great spin on the junk jewelery Christmas trees. They would sell like Hot Cakes I would think. Terry

  15. I love these. I don't have a jewerly collection or i would totally do something like this. wow.

  16. I saw the same ornaments that you are talking about and even took pictures. I loved them but they were a bit pricey. Yours are adorable!

  17. Hi Laura-

    These are both so creative - perfect for the holidays and fun to do if you have a great stash of goods to work with. I don't think I could ever part with my collection, I even have a hard time putting them on gifts as I know I will never see it again. :( but happy that I made the gift box look very pretty. One of the best places I have found to pick them up inexpensively is at retirement communities. Most of them have "Treasure Shops" where the residents donate their stuff. Look up retirement communities in your Yellow Pages to find them.
    My best- Diane


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